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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  October 30, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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freddie mac, selling off gp, aig, you can bring the fiscal situation back into control quickly. you will get such economic growth you will have huge increases in revenue. we can really change america and make it back into the dream that we all really hope it will be. we can do that john: i hope he's right. that's our program and the battle for the future. i'm john stossel hello, and are you ready to restore sanity. >> it was a fox news alert. not as big as beck but big none theless. >> we have over 10 million people. [applause]
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three or four million and makes it better is the color and variety i see. i can't believe it has happened. it is a perfect demographic. >> according to comedy central organizer. rally to restore sanity and fear was nonpartisan as the event and mimic and mock glenn beck's rally to restore honor. >> hello, america. hello multitude on the washington mall. oh, oh, this feels right. where have you been all of my life. thank you for being here to do our bidding. bow before or kneel. >> no kneeling. there is no boeing or kneeling. these are reasonable people. reasonable for now, jon.
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but soon they will be a mindless mom once i release the bees. release the bees. >> welcome to the show,y i am geraldo aside from extensive coverage of comettedy. capitol coup will analyze the imact on the election x. bringing you latest polling in key races and track the last-minute move from key players from the president and sarah palin x. john race in a hotly contested senate contest and democratic joe mansion 39 hadn't to 45 percent. and we'll have more on the other key races. up front. what was that rally all about. craig was there. >> geraldo in a mocking way.
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jon stewart compared the rally to restore to martin luther king jr.'s watch on washington. but by the looks of the crowd that comparison might be valid. at the direction of congress. 222,000 on facebook said they would attend. they ordered 500 porta potties and accommodate 150,000. the potties also served as seating and there was no questioning the seismic response to the rally. >> we feel so strongly about things out of hand and not finding constructive solutions to things. >> among the tens of thousands on the mall there was no limit
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of opinions and colorful message and costume. >>reporter: here to keep the fear alive. >> how so? >> i am a gay mexican muslim. >> what they believe the air of extremism over the country. many like this couple from illinois showed up out of a sense of responsibility. >> we think it is a great response to some of the hyper political actism and going to be a fun event and we are excited to see the special guest. others like maryland high school students came after discussing the rally. >> the question is if they are coming for political reasons or comedy. >> we think both. we love steven colbert and jon stewart. we talk about politics in class and i think we are in it
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for both. >> steven colbear entering as a miner dress in a capitol america suit. >> and the crowd was entertained by ozzie osbourn and muslim convert known as cat stevens. >> but there was no question it was staged to counter and mock glenn beck's rally to restore honor. >> i am look at all of the signs, this is a 90 percent obama and 10 percent republican crowd but the signs are funny and the people are happy and you got to feel good about democracy. i am one of these guys, the more people who participate the better it is. >> your presence was what i wanted. sanity will always be has been in the eye of the beholder.
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to see you here today and the kind of people that you are, has restored mine. thank you. >> what ever way you define the rally of restoring sanity. planes, trains and buses foand from the nation's capitol was packed to the gills and hotel rooms were filled up from 20 miles from the center of washington. in terms of the message. colbert and stewart targeted the media and not to believe everything we hear and we should work together to get through dark times. >> craig, thank you very much. in washington two more rally goers. steven crowder and nicky schaw. that is steven sitting next to nicky. who showed up and let me start with you.
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what do you think of the turn out and the make up and the size, whoo do you think? >> in my estimation wandering the crowds, it was comerable to a back rally -- beck really. not that size matters. >> not on this joke. >> i saw mostly white people on the mall. i would have loved to see more people of color. it was upbeat and larger than anticipated and the screens and sounds didn't go far back enough to accommodate the crowd. it is interesting they point out the office we have the whiteness of the crowd that was an indication of exclusion or subtle racism. i don't think haanybody would make that premise here?
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is that unfair? >> i wouldn't say it would be fair or not. but it is sort interesting that the crowd was fairly white. but if you looked at when they went to the correspondants in the daily show, they asked members of the audience to identify themselves . there was asian and mexican . so from the stage tried to make it look like a diverse crowd. >> whatever >> did you have fun? >> i did have fun. i disagree with mr. stewart on a lot of issue. it was like a stop and huge and like to see them do that for a year and half like the tea party . was very white and younger and i would say more pockets was animosity than at any tea party. >> what do you think. >> a gentleman grabbed my arm
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and i didn't have my passport . saying that they wanted to blow up the tape. they are impressionable and you are talking about if this is signed to restore sanity. it is a device as insane. that's what they are saying. you had a lot of vulgar and calling them tebaggers. but as a whole i had -- there were so many hipster mustaches and yours put them to shame. it was an offense to good mustache. >> car lin you think it will affect anything politically and affect voters turn out. >> the people who showed up to the valley were going to vote.
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they were important symbolically. there is a sizable number of the electorate that doesn't like the partisanship . i would disagree with the steve. i thought the tenor was wonderful and nice and humor use. >> i got the vibe it was mellow myself. >> people having fun in your view. >> right where i was. people holding hands and skipping around and having a good time. >> they were high as a kite. >> yes, and also perhaps strong and it is a saturday, that's fine. but a lot of people having fun and i didn't see any altercation. >> steven are you suggesting the level of intoxication from one source was higher than in the beck rally? >> yes, i am. absolute low. i find it funny. the marine marathon tomorrow. hipsters waking up at 11:00
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and reaching for left over drugs and people who are overseas and fighting for our freedoms with real jobs. it was fun. i have covered tea parties and tried to essentially basically satire peace and accusing them of being angry and they were kind . here i asked basic questions and they got upset. with my iphone camera. i just got that thing. >> all of those racy pictures erased. >> thank you. doctor, thank you also . coming up next, the rally reverse the enthusasm gaps. can the president save his old seat in the senate . mike huckabee with the tea party or republican in 2012. coming up next. [ indistinct cve] ♪
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i think people should vote and do what moves them. >> it is not my place to make that choice for them. it is theirs. >> jon stewart and steven colbert careful to not urge their supporters to vote. as you expect president obama had a different message from philly to bridge port, connecticut . wrapping up with democrat alexi -- >> it is really hard. giannoulias . that is the one exgovernor rod blog blagojevich is trying to sell. >> the president hit three state in one days as part of the campaign swing before the mid-term election. this evening he made his first
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public appearance since election night in '08 and drum up the same enthusasm vote that propelled him to the white house. there is a tight race for the senate seat . took aim for republican leaders in congress including mitch mcconnell who said his top priority will be to make sure he is one term president. >> he didn't say jobs or improving the economy. his top priority is beating me. >> earlier he address said a crowd of 8000 in connecticut . offering support to dick bloomingthal who has a healthy lead over the republican. maintaining control of the senate is a top priority. the president will spend his night at home in chicago before going back to cleveland
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and back to the white house to celebrate halloween with his girls. >> three days before the election where do we stand and what impact will today's rally have? noel here in the studio . republican strategist and finance chairman for chris tin o'donnell there . alisia is a democratic strategist . noel, chris tine o'donnell was 25 points back. what is the latest. >> same thing in the primary. she is moving up and look for her to close the gap this weekend. people laugh. they discount her, but look what she's done. >> intent on closing the gap. >> what about today's rally. >> will it impact the turn out among young democrats. >> no. i think it is what it was.
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a it was taking their comedy show. these are the same voters who are voting with obama and they can't keep or find jobs. >> they were there because they don't have jobs >> that's right, geraldo. >> and alisa you think it will have a substaniative affect. >> i think that anyone who gives you a definative answer is not truthful . today's rally was inspiring, it spoke to many elements of the democratic base. young minority voterss and women voters who are frustrated with the amped up rhetoric. if they are sitting in the southwest thinking about voting in a race that their vote makes a critical difference. it is nice to be reminded, a lot of people who want common sense solution and willing to
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compromise and their vote matters. >> noel is giving me all of the body language. >> this is a comedy show. this was not a colbert report. it was a road show doing nothing but to roapproximate mote the comedian. >> i don't think you understand members was my generation. after members of my generation. after september 11th. >> what are you saying? >> those of us 18-29 and members of the millennial. we feel jon stewart has an important place . he can speak. >> they said it was not a political rally. >> do you believe it was not a political. >> absolutely. i think it was a comedy show. >> did you watch it. >> i watched three hours was it. i enjoyed the music and
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rhetoric. but i don't think it was -- only political message was stop the bickery. they are making fun of both sides and the media for the bickering. >> the panel will be with us. >> he is consistently among the leaders and i got one on one with mike huckabee. that's coming up. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief.
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>> not being able to distingish between racist and tea partiers and bigots and juan williams or rick sanchez is an insult not only to the people but to the races themselves who have put in the exhausting effort it take to hate. jon stewart attacking the harsh tone that marks the political discourse these days. what impact will he have on the enthusiasm gap. according to gall up finds that 63 percent of registered republicans are more than enthusiastic than voting compared to the thren percent of the democrats. we asked tom, the go to
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organization in terms of compiling the consensus. tom is with us from chicago. impact or no impact, will the kids care? or vote even though they went to washington. does that mean they will vote on tuesday? >> look, yoining it impacts at all in terms of changing the enthusiasm or voting behavior of 18-29 year olds on tuesday. they were 15 percent of the vote in 2004 . 18 percent of the electorate in 2008 in 2006. 18-29 were 12 percent . so obama is trying to get them out. he's on mtv and daily show and doing these things. but the problem is. the problem the democrats are facing. energized republican but more than independent independent. they are moving away from the democrats and they will decide
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the election. >> but isn't it the subtle message that it is cool to be on the left or liberal or progressive or with the president and not so col. but how does that differ? that is not a call to action. president obama is not on the ballot this year and not able to recreate the message and transfer it. it doesn't work like that. he's in connecticut and philadelphia and illinois. they are trying to turn out the base of the party but not reaching the independent exercise begin those up . now it is a rally the base strategy to mitigate the losses. >> you think that it was like nothing?
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yeah. i think it you know. i watched it . it seems entertaining and fun. it is not going to change what happens on tuesday. >> not even we are the world. will mike huckabee run as a tea party independent in 2012? is a customized pro-v system that, in test, outlasts the flop to make volume that lasts long past 4 o'clock. pantene. healthy makes it happen. the pantene re-invention is here. introducing the new pantene custom solutions. with optionsor ur unique hair structure. fine, thick, curly or color. to make the hair you love last and last. put it to the test. find your new pantene. it's the idea that a car that will never have an accident
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>> i know there is a george
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bailey in every city and town. make sure you find them and the hunt for americans willing to change one town at a time. special edition glenn beck program on sunday. ♪ from america's news quarters. hurricane tomas is rave annuals the caribbean. it is a category one storm and gaining strength. thens of residents have lost power and on the island of st.ulousia the winds ripped off the roof of a hospital and school. it could reach 115 miles per hour tomorrow.
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mission on space is on hold. it will not be heading to the international space station until wednesday. nasa discovered a leak in the steering system. repair work underway right now. it will be one of nasa's last flights before the shuttles are stopped next year. back to geredaldy at large. >> fdr once said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself yet 12 years later he was dead. was it murder? we'll never know. it is a cold case. i prefer president nixon who said people we have to fear, not love. they don't teach it in sunday school, but it is true. >> sarah palin gets all of the
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press and this man outpolls his rivals in the republican camp in the leading contenders for the nomination of pedestrian see in 20. our colleague mike huckabee. consistently you are right up there with the leaders if not the leader and yet i wonder if you have the tens of millions necessary to mount a viable campaign against the incumbent president. >> if i do, it is the best kept secret in america. >> it is a tragedy that money has more to do with the pursuit of the politics than the message. you would think it is idea and how to solve problems. unfortunately it is more on raising money. >> is it as much of an issue in a third party campaign. >> no, i would never consider that. that is a cammy causey mission . like ross perot and very
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little to do. you can't mount a successful campaign. you will get enough to impact the election perhaps and most likely empowering the person you liked least. if sarah palin decided to run as independent . given no indication of that. she would take away from the republicans and and it would insure the reelection of barack obama. >> are you suggesting that the tea party will be a function of the republican party. >> i hope it is a independent voice that pushes both parties to levels wasability. >> if the republican makes it a subsidiary it will be the end of the tea party movement. the is that no one controls it the power of the tea party is that not one personality that
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is the tea party f. they say that is our person it is the beginning of the end of the tea party as a significant political force. >> you say this is my party. are you a tea party person. >> i am a republican, but i subscribe very much to the basic principles and premise that they put forth. we have a government that is accountable and don't bory money that you can't afford . stop the deficits and debts and act with fiscal responsibility. that is the heart soul of the tea party. it used to be with the republican parties and tea parties are forcing republicans to get back to that message. >> you think the popularit of the person as a person will be his strong suit going forward as opposed to his policy? >>y think things barack obama has going. he is a skillful commuter and
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charis maand why he is there now . billion in the bank when he starts his campaign and 20 people leaning up on the demolition derby over a year and half period and come out broke and bleeding. barack obama will be the beneficencary of the elections next week. i am convinced that the republicans will take the house . i think they will take the senate as well >> you do? >> i know dick morris and i may be the only two people who think that and believe it. i reserve the right to be wrong. why either way it is a tunce tunce of a election process. i don't see any energy for the democrats, there is leathy and energy on the republicans and independents. republicans will vote next tuesday. if there is a 100 miles per hour wind and basketball size hail. they are going to the polls.
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democrats, you will have to do a lot of thing to convince them that it matters for them to vote. >> what about all of the kids showing up in dc. a lot of time people will go to rallies and concerts and do things that are fun. but don't connect that to voting. >> historically lowest demographic is 18-29 year old. whether or not he is able to repeat that. so far there is no indication that the enthusiasm is there for local candidates that was there for obama . enthusiasm for obama has chilled and many people are optmistic and were disappointed. if they were on the left he is not far enough left and if if they are in the center he is too far left. i am not seeing he is carrying
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the juice to get them to say yes, i will crawl through broken glass to vote. they felt that way in 2008. >> they may feel it in 2012. >> not in the midterm. >> they always show a down term and particularly goes against the incumbent president. this is a wave election. i used the word tunce tunce because i know of nothing else in my lifetime that has really marked the level of intensity. >> bigger than '94. >> much bigger than '94. >> republicans took 52 seats in '94. and i believe we will be close to 60. historic high and never anything like that. >> at what point will you make a decision? >> later for me. right now this is not high on
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my agenda. i know people are. because we are churning it out. >> how many more times will you visit iowa. >> you can't keep selling books? >> you know, i have a lot of friends there. >> and come on. >> that is a year and half of my life there. >> palin, huckabee, romney, the last three people standing, what if the disgrunted loser decides to go their on way and create a independent. >> barack obama will be relected as president with a good margip. >> i think you are right. pleasure as always. >> whether the tea party for alaska or delaware or florida, there is no doubt it has shaken the political landscape . comment on its impact on today's comedy central. freedom works and matt joins
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us from dc. comment on what the government said third party candidate giving the election to the candidate they like least. there is an example of that in alaska where the tea party candidate joe miller in this real clear politics is at 35.7. murkowski at 34.7 . the write in and disgruntled loser . scott mcadams at 25. matt your tea party candidate miller and the republican he defeated in the primary. lisa murkowski is a write in candidate and she might screw the pooch and give it to the democrat. is that the fear of a tea party movement. >> it is funny.
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joe miller played by the rules and went in the primary can won the most votes and he was the victor and it was the tabed republican that left the party and created this situation. first of all he will win and even if he doesn't win you will get one of two candidates with the caucus of republicans. you saw it in florida where charlie crist left the party after the party rejected him and marco rubio emerged as the clear leader and likely victor. >> i agreed with matt in terms of florida. it seems that since the real clear. if you have the graphic from florida. kendrick meek is 20. and that is high in the last day . marco rubio is the run away leader over charlie crist. >> go ahead and sorry to
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interrupt. >> i think that the tea party movement defined the election and not about who they caucus with. it is the issues that define the election. all of the candidates are running against obama care and reign in the size of government and the big issue is who is credible and serious and come to washington in january and start implement policy on that get government band under control. >> i want to get dana in the mix . joe, the tea party has defined the issue according to matt tibe. but has it complicated schinarios for the selection of the republican candidate for the presidency in 2012. >> i don't think so at all. one of the things i tell people as a person who managed the dean campaign in 2003.
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we were ridiculed by the establishment and party. but four years later, all of those activity and energy helped tod great a more vibrant democratic party and formed the foundation for obama's victory . the same thing is likely to happen are with the tea party. >> activists and tactics and money raised, and a new vibrant energy to the party and conviction more holding the gop establishment more to the spending and fiscal responsibility. i think all of these will be a bigger show for them in 2004 and 16. >> you think it energized the entire process. stand by. we'll take a break and coming up in the annuals of dirty tricks is the worst i ever heard, coming up. and science de.
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>> they will take our vote for granted. don't vote this november. this is the only way to send a clear message. >> politics is creepy and the don't vote adput together by my next guest to suppress latino vote in nevada hits a new low. this is latinos for reform and
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create exclude placed the commercials encouraging people not to vote. the spanish network refuse to run it. >> robin. don't you feel. that is sleazy. >> let me correct you on several things. i gop operative in 20 years and they did run the ad. >> who paid for the ad. >> a group much historic businessman. >> i was one of them . a historic from louisiana and around the country. >> you realize how hard it is poom have worked to get the right to vote for latinos and to encourage them to vote and here you are telling them not to vote and exercise their franchise because you want a certain candidate to get elected. how do you look in the mirror
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in the morning, dude? >> i like fine. >> you don't feel embarrassed by that. >> you are going to let me talk or not? the fact is the latino community found the democratic party offered them all kinds. >> so let them vote for the republican. >> that's the problem. it is the same situation. >> listen, you are manipulative and destroying . stug areles that you couldn't get the shoes. >> why we have to vote for the lesser of the two evils? >> you are a yellow bellied and down and dirty punk and you are telling latino. >> you are reading the headlines and not substance. >> what is the substance there. >> it is everywhere. >> you are full of crap.
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>> ignore the congressional election. if you are offered lesser of two evils you have a to tell them. >> stop it right there. alisia men endez what do you think? >> i think he is full of crap. worst of all roberto knows that not voting doesn't shift power and it concedes power and anyone to suggest that latino voters staying at home sends a message know what is they are doing. >> it is a defactor vote for sharon angle. >> no. >> roberto i am finished with you. >> dana, what is your comment on what you just heard? >> i am curious to whether or not the anger about it stems from the fact that the group was not excited about democrats. look, i am not a particular party person. i am not a republican or democrat. but look at historical
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accuracy in terms of what party has supported the communities. >> but isn't that a different issue. >> look at the partis and the relative you know, performance on your issue. but to urge people not to exercise the franchise that has been so dearly won by giants, we'll be right back. >> it stems. >> we have to take a break. [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continu ] make sure it's repaired with the right replacement parts. take the scary out of life with travelers. call or click now for an agent or quote.
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i thought it was a comedy show and i actually think everyone should look at obama and his branding method and it worked
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for him and he's popular but not rubbing off on the democrat party. the elections are neck and neck and doesn't look good for democrats. >> i agree with that assessment. this rally was ironic. i want to point out one of the last big weekends before everyone goes to the pollos tuesday. what does the liberals go do. went to a rally in washington d.c. and spent their money on air fare and hotels instead of political candidates. because of that, i think it is one thing to have enthusam and one thing to be enthusiastic. >> lissa. >> latino voters tis an important one. they have a choice between democrats who may not have performed quickly or quickly as they would have liked on reform. >> democrat. excuse me. it was my turn for the last word. and you had your frame
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work that was put forth by republican and democrat and lindsay graham took it and said i will not do it bipartisan . only pushed forth by democrats. i think the choice for latino voters is not clearer. >> and i think on the rally anything that gets young people to tune in to politics is good. i hope latinos will vote. i think that is garbage. it is a tough year like 1994 in terms of the house and i think democrats will hold the. watch in west virginia. >> finally a story to our hearts. jerusalem. 5000 people braved the hustle and bustle to participate in the susan g. kolman race for the cure in israel and abroad.
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it is worthy for a host of reasons and the reason we are interesting in covering that event was the participation of our jennifer. >> for years i covered other people's wars until i fought my own. after a year of treatment i returned to stomping grounds of jerusalem for the first breast cancer walk sponsored by susan g. kolman and the fox members walked with me and surprised me with team t-shirts. israeli-palestinian and muslips and christians ands, walked together for the old city streets and many of them read my blog. sharon woodrow was diagnosed five years ago. >> i read about triple negative. i realized i had that and didn't know it three or four
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years later . all because of jennifer's experience i knew whey was through and i am better and i feel a connection that that we are sisters. >> nancy brinker started susan government kolman for a cure when her sister died. >> when you saw the old city walls turn pink. i cried it was over whelming and a message of faith and hope and belief and optimism. truly this is the beginning of the end of death by breast cancer in the middle east. >> in jerusalem, jennifer griffin fox news. >> we love genener . puts things in perspective what is important in life. thanks for being with us and xñkg
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